Sunday, September 27, 2009

Walking, talking, and more....

We are walking everywhere and exploring everything! Enjoy the following video and note a few things:

  1. I am not a good videographer so prepare for a bumpy ride.
  2. I tend to get really loud and maybe even sing a bit. It isn't pretty.

And for the star of the show, please note:

  1. He loves to call for "mom" and "daddy."
  2. He is a very determined walker on the go, non-stop.
  3. He has one favorite song, and it's a rap one. Not good parenting, I know, but it is so darn cute. Listen for his version.
  4. He loves his "juice" and asks for it often.

We are on the countdown to his first birthday and birthday bash - can't wait!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

And we're off.....

One day shy of his 11 month birthday, he took some steps. He also took some hits, some spills, and acquired a few bruises, but this is one determined little guy. I am so glad he saved some of his big moments with my mom. What a special weekend we had! We are so proud :)

And, as you can see in this little clip, he is pretty proud of himself too!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Game Day!

Football season has started...GIG 'EM, WRECK 'EM, and BFND!
(Side note: AGGIE gear will be coming soon! We just had to put this outfit on as his daddy has been waiting a whole year for him to be able to wear it. NO ORANGE IN THIS HOUSE!)

Monday, September 7, 2009


Griffin would like to tell you all he has been up to lately....

I have a new obsession with hats. I won't wear them very long,
but I like to play with them. My Bobcat one is my fave.

This is my second favorite hat...Mi-Maw gave it to me.
It was my Pop's so I will wear it all the time and think of him!
I like to play with my cousin Keaton. He is funny. When he tries to push me away, I try and bite him. My mommy and Aunt Jill laugh which they need to stop doing or mommy will keep getting notes from school!

Keaton liked to get on my toy and ride it. Now that he is gone, I try it ALL THE TIME.
I also like to help with the laundry. Well, I actually like it when someone opens any kind of door. I have to see what's inside (or outside).

What else am I up to lately?
  • I love going on walks and pointing at the birds and airplanes.
  • I am now standing on my own. One day soon, I might try this walking thing I see you people do everyday.
  • I am learning the word NO. And, now when mommy or daddy say it to me, I just shake my head back at them. It's awesome.
  • I am saying MAMA and DADA pretty regularly. I love those people!
  • I love to dance. I have this one move where I shake my head from side to side when a song comes on. Mommy says Juillard might be in my future. Dad says only if they have a football team.
  • I am a crawling fool. Try and stop me.
  • I love books especially PAJAMA TIME and I LOVE YOU THROUGH AND THROUGH
  • I am over this baby food thing - give me the good stuff.
  • I am already planning my 1st birthday party - it's a Halloween theme so I am planning my costume right now! It's gonna be a good one...