Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Random Fall Fun!

We have been enjoying our fall days - now if it would just cool off, that would be great! Griffin and I painted pumpkins. Griffin really painted himself :)

Still love these little legs....
The artist hard at work...

We then played hide and seek with Daddy. Hans and I crack up because G will hide then yell, "I'm right here, Dad. Come find me!"

I wonder where they are??

My aunt and uncle came in town so we got to spend time with them. Here is Bob hanging out with G and Kiki. Bob is my mom's youngest brother and one of G's namesakes. Griffin HARDY Reed - Mom's maiden name and Bob's last :) I love him and so do the boys. He is so good to my family and my mom.

G had some fun with cousin Gunar!

A fun wrestling match with 3 of the 4 grandsons! Love this so much!

I loved being with my family this past weekend and love all the fun activities ahead for this fall! We are also doing so well with the potty (I hope I didn't just jinx myself). Sweet boy gets up at night and asks to go potty! The other day, around 3 am, he was using the potty and said, "Mommy, are you just so proud of me?" MELT. MY. HEART.

Next up - this sweet pea's 3rd birthday! Lots of fun planned!

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