Before I talk about the fun that is potty training, here is a little glimpse into our lazy weekend! We spent some time with the Odells (Hansio's best friend and family) to do this season's picks for Fantasy Survivor. We're serious about this, people...there's a lot on the line - free babysitting, free dinners, etc...! Here is Baby Ryan (his forever nickname from G) trying to hitch a ride home with us. I also love Reed in the window!
So let's talk potty training...OH WHAT FUN (insert sarcasm here and if your child was potty trained in less than 24 hours when they were 12 months old, congrats to you. This, however, has not been our case). G will be oh so pleased that I put this picture on here :)
1. Buy wine and keep it on hand.
2. Stock up on your child's favorite snack (in our case, it's jelly beans).
3. Let your BFFs/sister with toddlers know you will call or text... A LOT.
4. When your child rocks the potty training at school but will not (for the love of GOD) pee pee at your house, repeat steps #1 and #3.
And the best (and serious) rule of all....
WAIT UNTIL YOUR CHILD IS READY. Do not force him, yell at him, or cry (too hard). It is YOUR child, and you will find out what works for him. G is a smart kid, and I know he will do this perfectly when he is ready.
(and as I type this....he is getting into a routine and doing so well.)
As tough as this new adventure has been, I have calmed down a bit and learned a lot from him. Look, he even went to HEB with Daddy in his big boy underwear! Small steps....small, itty bitty steps.
Yes, I do, LK, and I am so thankful you listened. Sweet G - we are in this together! Love you, sweet boy. I'm with you all the way.
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